Could the Anti Cigarette Law in England Take Bingo Enthusiasts On to the Net?

A lot has been stated in the press not long ago concerning the bingo industry being hit because of the cigarette ban in the United Kingdom. Things have grown so awful that in Scotland the Bingo industry has demanded huge tax cuts to assist in keeping the businesses afloat. However will the web adaptation of this quintessential game offer a lifeline, or will it not compare to its real life kin?

Bingo is an enduring game historically enjoyed by the "blue rinse" generation. However the game recently had seen a recent comeback in popularity with younger people opting to hit the bingo parlors rather than the discos on a weekend. This is all about to be reversed with the enacting of the smoking ban across Britain.

Players will no longer be allowed to puff on cigarettes while dabbing numbers. Starting in the summer of 2007 all public locations will no longer be allowed to permit smoking in their venues and this includes Bingo halls, which are possibly the most common places where people enjoy smoking.

The effects of the anti cigarette law can already be observed in Scotland where smoking is already barred in the bingo parlors. Players have dropped and the business is literally fighting for its life. But where have the players gone? Obviously they haven’t cast aside this classic game?

The answer is on the net. People are now realizing that they can enjoy bingo from their computer while enjoying a drink and cig and still have a chance at huge jackpots. This is a recent phenomenon and has happened just about perfectly with the anti cigarette law.

Of course gambling on online can never replace the communal portion of heading over to the bingo parlour, but for a demographic of men and women the law has left a good many bingo enthusiasts with no choice.

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